BattleMaster is a game played from your
browser where grand stories unfold created by the interactions and imaginations of players. It focuses on battle, teamwork,
and roleplay where the power is in your hands to create your own destiny and alter the course of history, forever. It takes
place in a medieval setting where you create a character and join other players in a realm of your choosing. Your character
will be of noble blood, start off as a Knight, and as your ambition demands, perhaps one day reach the ranks of Duke, General, Ruler, or more.
Your character will fight alongside their realm's fellow nobles against nobles from enemy realms in order to win wars.
Cities will be conquered, regions will be defended, and blood will be spilled in the name of honor, glory, culture, and power.
Take part in forging alliances, destroying empires, fighting holy wars, and more in an ever changing landscape created by players, for players,
where the victors are envied and enter the pages of history.
Battlemaster is a lightweight slow paced game designed to be played alongside your other activities with turns every 12 hours at 6AM and 6PM UTC .
Depending on your desires and your characters' tasks, you can spend as little as 10 minutes per day on your characters,
or over an hour based on what you want to do, roleplay, and achieve each day. A typical response time to letters and messages
is measured in hours, not minutes, and many play Battlemaster from their smartphone while on the go.
Casually fight wars by wielding sword or bow, devise military strategy and lead fellow nobles by commanding the armies of your
realm, vie for power among ambitious nobles and realms by engaging in political intrigue, spread your religion's faith and embark
on a crusade for purposes only known to you: these are some of the many choices you will make. In Battlemaster, you create your own
destiny, and all that stand in your path make victory that much sweeter when you overcome all that oppose you. Join Battlemaster now, every day
is another chance for you to attain fame and honor!
Looking to flex your coding skills? BattleMaster is under active development by a focused team of volunteers. We invite you to
join us and take an even deeper part in this ever growing universe! New features
are regularly added, gameplay is balanced and tweaked, and more is done to continuously
improve the game. You can talk directly to the developers at the
forum, or on the discord
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News Ticker
Unit Morale Reset - posted on Wed Feb 12 at 14:32:39 by Timothy Collett
Unfortunately, a recent update had a typo in it (now fixed, should be fine for future turns) that led to many units losing massive amounts of morale. While I cannot easily restore any troops that may have deserted, I have reset all units' morale to 100% for now
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Wiki Offline: DDoS from LLM Scraping Bots - posted on Fri Jan 17 at 11:47:24 by Timothy Collett
Update: The wiki is back online with some improvements to the anti-bot protections thanks to Andrew.
I apologize for the current slow and unstable performance of the BattleMaster server. We are experiencing another wave of bots scraping data from the Wiki to feed to LLMs for training, and they are effectively conducting a Distributed Denial of Service attack on the server.
In order to protect the game, I have temporarily disabled the Wiki, and will be consulting with Andrew on how best to keep this from happening in the future.
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Region Management Changes on Stable - posted on Fri Nov 22 at 22:36:25 by Timothy Collett
I am bringing the converted Region turn script online tonight, and this brings with it two significant changes to the Stable islands (the East Continent and the Colonies):
- The region management system that's been live on Testing islands for several years now, termed "Region Buffs", will be fully active on Stable islands as well.
- The ability to manage food distribution will become available.
If you have played only on Stable islands, then I recommend asking someone who has played on Beluaterra or Dwilight for tips on what these changes will mean.
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Turn Script Changes - posted on Tue Nov 19 at 14:12:03 by Timothy Collett
As you may have noticed, we've been having some persistent issues with the turn changes, especially on Beluaterra and Dwilight. They're particularly difficult errors to track down, and I'm taking this as an opportunity to do something that's been on my TODO list for some time: I'm starting to convert the legacy turn scripts over to Symfony Commands, starting at the coming dawn turn.
From your perspective, ideally, the only thing that should change is that the errors stop (or, if they continue, become a bit easier for me to track down), as I'm converting them with essentially completely unchanged behavior. However, in the short term, it's very likely that there will be a few things that I miss, meaning that there could be some different turn script errors for several days as they pop up and I fix them.
For now, this is going to be the Player and Monster turn scripts, meaning that the most common aspects that could be affected are travel/arrivals, duels, troop payment and autopayment, troop morale adjustments, and the behavior of monsters, undead, and unled Daimons.
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OpenLayers/Dynamic Map Deprecated - posted on Mon Oct 7 at 16:40:49 by Timothy Collett
Unfortunately, the Dynamic Map that we have been using for some time—based on the OpenLayers library—has become much more of a chore to fix and update than is really warranted. I've been working on a replacement for a while, but it's not quite ready yet, and the OpenLayers map has really broken now. Thus, for the time being, aside from the main link on the Information page, I have replaced all the links to the full-size OpenLayers map with links to the Political Map. I have also replaced all the instances of the minimap (which also used OpenLayers) that are for a single region with the static images for those regions.
Once I have it fully working, my intention is to replace all the existing maps with the new map, including all the minimaps.
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