The Shrine of Seeklander is a temple fortress in the north western mountains of Dwilight. it is built around a hill dominating a mountain pass. There are three great gates in the outer walls, leading to the three neighboring provinces.
The Shrine has been a holy site since ancient times. Once venerated by the native mountain tribes, it was taken by the Torrenists for their temple and still later by the Astroists for theirs. Temple built upon temple. But at the heart of it all is the shrine, starting from the hill top, a roughly cut stone stair winds down deep into the heart of the hill ending in a vast cavern holding a circular pool of water that never fails. The cavern walls are scattered with stencils, human hands outlined against a background of red paint. Though faded, they are stark and evocative, signatures from the distant past. Just visible on darkened grayish rock are other seemingly abstract patterns of red and white lines that on closer inspection resolve into fantastical creatures that tell a tale for the wise.
Many cults and faiths abide , drawn like iron to a lodestone by the hope of redemption. Pilgrims arrive constantly visiting the holy places and making the traditional circuit of faith seven times around the inner walls. The locals make a good living supplying the needs of these pilgrims. The shrine is a mighty temple fortress guarding the lowlands below from invasion through the mountain pass. A holy shield for mankind.
January 5, 2023 by Vincenzo
This region might also have a page on the wiki