Croton is a region that has long relied on farming to support its population. The vast pasturelands that make Croton have lead to it being one of the chief exporter of food in the region, and being the main source of food for the nearby city of Muspelheim, bringing prosperity to the population and their nobles. The region has long attracted scholars from across Dwiglight, as well as producing a number of its own, due to its perceived archaeological importance with many scholars across the realm, Croton is studded with many ruins and barrows from the region's ancient past.
The folk of Croton are a gentle and kind people, hard to anger and quick to befriend, with many deeply held religious and moral beliefs, giving the regions inhabitants a firm ideas of right and wrong. Many work the land and have very straightforward views on life. However, if they are angered the people of Croton are a force to be reckoned with, being fiercely loyal and tenacious in battle.
In Croton the people form very tight knit communities within the vast pasturelands and wide plains, and outsiders can be viewed with much suspicion in the more out of the way villages.
October 5, 2011 by Ulric
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