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Westgard, duchy of Seeklander
9250 / 10400
Land Area:
5541 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Farming, Fishing, Manufacturing, Hunting, Administration, Trade, Logging, Stoneworks
330 gold
426 bushels
Weather Area:
North Shore
D'Hara Luria Nova Swordfell Westgard Avenor Tol Goldora Zuma Coalition Artificers' Coalition Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Zereth, land of the harp. It is one of the many North Coastal regions of Dwilight. This land of low rolling hills and plains has a wet climate with freezing snow and hail in winter.

The wealth of Zereth is based around cattle rearing and agriculture. The principal crops are wheat, barley, oats, flax, and hay. The land is tilled with plows drawn by oxen. Sheep are bred principally for their wool, and the only animal reared specifically for slaughter is the pig. Fishing, hunting, fowling, and trapping provide additional food. Horses are also bred for riding and pack animals. Sea transport is by curragh, a wicker-framed boat covered with hides; the normal freshwater craft is the dugout.

The land is held by warrior clans based in hilltop forts. These clans are nominally friendly to each other, but they also raid each other incessantly for cattle, sport and reputation. Family feuds are common as a result but if a man is killed then a feud can be avoided by paying his family an agreed upon blood price. Most folk of Zereth are illiterate, but there is a fine tradition of oral arts such as music, histories, story telling and poetry. Their chief musical instrument is the harp and the region fathers many fine harpers. The Zereth craftsmen have an instinct for design which, added to the skillful use of metalwork techniques, have enabled them to produce many superb objects, of which the flowing curves of the Zereth brooch are an outstanding example.

December 22, 2024 by Vincenzo

Statues and Monuments

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