A Dark and Pleasant Land...
A gently rolling land of low hills and valleys, wild and windswept moors, low lying bogs, and scattered woodlands, punctuated by comfortably settled farming communities. Stone-built villages sit amongst farming landscapes of field barns, drystone walls and flower-rich hay meadows. Many small streams and springs crisscross the land, percolating through the underlying limestone. On the surface a peaceful, comfortable land, yet it holds dark secrets.
The region has often changed hands. Although its naturally an outlier of Giblot city, it has periodically fallen under the control and influence of Daemon worshipping Outer Tilog. Hence the worship of Daemons, human sacrifice, necromancy and other perverted practices have their place in Ammersfield society. The peasants of Ammersfield are surly and uncommunicative about these practices to outsiders, and indeed wandering outsiders regularly fall victim to daemonic ceremonies and quietly disappear. Dark deeds are commonplace here, but the news never travels far.
June 18, 2016 by Godric
This region might also have a page on the wiki