Created during the Colony Land Reform, the Naru Desert formerly comprised the southern half of Narrowdep. High badlands and dry, rocky plains dominate the northern third of Naru Desert, thinly inhabited by small traveling bands of goat, cattle and camel herders. The primary economic activity for this area is livestock trading. The local population is renowned for their hospitality, and also for their ability to disappear into the canyons and gorges of their homeland when threatened. The rugged landscape also lends itself to the region's other major economic activity, smuggling. The central portion of the region is stony desert, with infrequent, sometimes seasonal oases, making travel difficult and frequently dangerous for outsiders. Ocean breezes carrying fogs and occasional rainfall make the southern third somewhat more hospitable, with farming of dates, figs, and palms, and fishing in the deep waters off the coast.
January 31, 2018 by Rolf
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