An Iron Statue of a Griffin to commemorate the victory of Sandalak over the Fifth War Island on July 25, 2016 by Pythia Jane Fletcher Chamberlain, Wyvern Warlord Isenthorpe Tezokian, Griffin Ghost Enkimahru Dragoness, and Lord Raven Alexei Dolohov.
Statue to Wulfric Rhicling ka Habb in Market District
An Iron Statue of War Hammer Wulfric Rhicling ka Habb to commemorate the victory of Taselak over War Island VI on April 6, 2017 by Shield King Alparslan Kalkandelen, Sword of Justice Zlatan Mersault, War Hammer Wulfric Rhicling ka Habb, and Harp of Abundance Ardisio Sarracenia.