The largest part of Asker belongs to the Frundi Waste. This inhospitable land does not allow for a large population and is home to families herding fat tail sheep. It does, however, have one large town: Namrath is the traditional capital of the province and requires food import to sustain itself. This town was founded during the initial colonization by Wetham. During this colonization Lorebass McBlathery was tasked with organizing defences on the border with the Corali Forest. This resulted in the fortfied town of Blathery and earned him the barony of Frundi.
In the southeast one can find Asker Proper, a fertile swat of land, which is home to most of Akser's towns: Felix, Forseti and Vidara. This part sees plenty of food due to farming and fishing, but profits especially from trade and manufacturing. During the recolonization by Portion Egbert built a castle to secure the area and protect imports from Portion. He named the castle in honor of his deceased wife: Kenauborg. In the southwest was the town of Timothy, until its destruction by the undead. During the recolonization a castle was built to protect food imports from Adaria. It was named in honor of the viscount: Andreiborg.
January 9, 2024 by Egbert
This region might also have a page on the wiki