Hulaferd, or Haul-a-fred, its Tilogian name, lays on the border between various realms, and has seen various owners, this has lead to various degrees of suffering and success for the region.
Its economy is moderate but diverse, and focuses on manufacturing and services, but also has plenty of resources, ranging from arable farm lands, to forests and coastal waters full of fish.
Hulaferd never was a very prosperous region, but at least it is proud of what it does have.
Some of the more well known companies include: Fred's Haulers and Movers in corporate, Fred's Bar and Brothel and Fred's Heluvah Mill.
These companies are all run by 'Fred', where most people believe Fred is a local businessmen of mythical proportions, those that are more informed know that Fred is actually an organization, and stands for: "Fortunate redemption".
They take in low life criminals and offer them a chance to redeem themselves by taking leading roles in legal business, contributing to the legal local economy.
Redeeming criminals is highly illegal in Outer Tilog and thus considered an organized crime syndicate by this realm, who have been occasionally trying to dismantle the organization to no avail.
Fred has had its mark on the region, and is deeply embeded for many decades, it does not look like it will go anywhere.
Wanted criminals from far away regions come here as a last resort in the hope of receiving that fortunate redemption.
August 13, 2024 by Silenus
This region might also have a page on the wiki