Wirkfyr -
The Heart of Giblot.
This fertile valley is the crossroads for six of Giblot's other regions, including her Capitol. The populace is a contented group of Farmers, Tradesmen, and Merchants, prospering from the good climate, excellent soil, and busy trade routes. Several of Giblot's worthy Nobles come from families with Wirfyran roots.
The good roads of Wirkfyr have been a boon to more than jsut the merchant class, however. Armies have not ignored the strategic connections running through here, so when Giblot has had to defend herself her troops often amassed here, while enemies have also gathered here to allow a choice of strike against any of several regions. There are monuments to many of these battles along the roadsides, so a novice historian owes himself a visit to Wirkfyr.
Recently the region of Wirkfyr became the domain of Loki Erickson, who has erected the dreaded Skull Throne of Nibbleswick, a twenty foot monstrosity topped with a disarmingly comfy satin chair. The skull throne is ever growing as new skulls are added from local criminals, enemies of Loki, slaves of Loki, acquaintances of Loki, friends of Loki and complete strangers of Loki.
January 19, 2013 by Loki
This region might also have a page on the wiki