Sandwiched between the mountains to the north and the wide estuary to the south.
The land is of poor quality and the people poor. However because they have to work so hard, they are famous for their fortitude and strength.
Vore the nearest city offers little in the way of entertainment. In the winter those with time to spare travel to the northern mountains where they have started a strange sport that involves attaching 2 flat planks to ones feet and sliding down snow slopes!
In the summer there is the traditional race across the estuary to the land of Jyl. This normally takes place after the first moon of the summer. Tradition is that the last person across has to pay the winner 12 casks of ale.
There are some strange ruins in the northern parts of the region, these are yet to be investigated fully but are though to pre-date all known human life. Some have said they were built by the monsters themselves
August 4, 2007 by Zog the Great
This region might also have a page on the wiki