Jyl is now the seat of Jylmark, a Melite duchy under the rule of Queen Maya Tandaros. The Jyl townsland has a worldly culture of Daishi traders, shopkeepers, and merchants. The weather is very mild. Every morning there's a slight sea breeze from the west and by midday the sun shines brightly. Though the town was looted heavily in war, reconstruction is going well and the people more or less get by.
Main Food
The main morning meal of the average Jylian is a small Jylifish, topped with a breakfast sauce.
The meal of the afternoon is quite simple, just a medium-sized bun, sliced, and baked over the fire. Then, you add mutton; flesh of sheep as food and a spice. Your choice.
The big dinner meal for the average Jylian would be noodles, and bread stuffed with chicken slices and fish. And on the side, a small lettuce salad with cheese pieces.
Main Religion
After each meal, over 70% of Jylians pray to their religion, Daishi. They pray for 10 minutes to the gods to keep them safe. And after the dinner, they go to slumber, in wild dreams of the beyond.
July 14, 2014 by Maya
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