Yokk lies in the vast alluvial plains formed by the ancient Illien River. The river's clear mountain waters flow from the snowy peaks of Zisswii to the east, past the great spired city of Reeds and along Yokk’s northern border.
Agriculture is the region’s main source of income and pride. The sturdy Yokk sheep are sought throughout Beluaterra and descend from the powerful red mouflon found in the nearby mountains. Their soft and pliable wool is highly prized by weavers of Cwellndell, the peaceful townsland on Yokk's western border.
Yokkels are stoic and amiable people who will fiercely defend their lands. Farmers from birth, they willingly make fair trades of wool and grain but prefer to spend quiet days tending their prized animals and crops.
December 14, 2017 by Walther
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