Mokut is a part of vast expanse of flat plains, covered by steppe and grassland. It lies east of the arid badlands Krakke and west of the woodland region of Bajit. Along the southern border flows the great Illien River, a vital artery of trade and travel to the Holy City of Reeds.
Ancient stories tell the origin the name Mokut. When attacked, locals would rally and rise up their scythes in defence. Leaders would shout, “More cuts! More cuts!” Enemies mistakenly heard “Mo’ cuts!” through the onslaught. Thus, the name was born.
Mokut is breadbasket for the embattled Cairn Carmel. Strip farms spread across the region. Three hamlets dot the steppe where grain farmers gather to drink Naraska beer, trade oxen, and worship. Mantou and Coburg have vertical windmills to grind grain. Bara Brith in the east boasts a windmill and granary.
Mokut is most heralded for its cheesemakers guild located in the river hamlet of Rowen. The guild is supported by area cattle farms which breed dairy cows and oxen for strip farming. Its fine hard cheeses are blessed by the priests of Daishi and sought throughout the realm.
Mokut's liege resides at Edain Manor outlooking Rowen. The castle features a new central tower which houses a weight-driven Constantine Clock to honour Polemarchos Elúred Edain. From the tower, one can view seasonal long-netting, as fishermen trap migratory salmon and bay trout, or spot incoming invaders.
About 13600 people live and toil this rural grasslands. All worship the Daishi faith and are fiercely local to their beloved homeland.
July 17, 2016 by Noll
This region might also have a page on the wiki