A small, wooded region, nestled between the plains of Sandlakes and the deciduous overgrowth of Ypsilanti, Midbote has a robust economy based on hunting and logging.
The Midbotans are descended from the Partor tribes, having moved south into the woods of the Long Reach in the times before records were kept. The people of this region still hold some inflection of the Partor language, although only a trained ear would hear it.
As part of the Empire of the Ivory Vale, The Midbotans pride themselves on providing rich, dark, strong wood to the Royal Palace for use in Imperial furniture. There is a certain type of deep red grain in this lumber revealed only with the "Midbote cut". Midbote Cut furniture is considered very fashionable among the nobility, and has been traded as far as Grehk.
Midbote has no distinct religion, and the peasantry worships Old and Strange gods in secret and private ceremonies. The current Lord worships the foreign religion of the Warrior Saints, and a shrine to Saint Mobuss can be found on the grounds of his estate.
June 17, 2015 by Corben
This region might also have a page on the wiki