Triewa is a land steeped in mystery and home to mythical creatures. The Viscount will tell you it is an idyllic forest, but the many refugees in surrouding regions point out that Triewa is home to frequent battles and raids. In fact, the mythical creatures are simply ghosts of the many people who have died in this region.
In the north one can find the fortress of Penfort. The forest around it is named Adjusted Sorrow, because this is where most battles happen and people have adjusted to it. They have even gone as far as to get excited when a battle takes place, because looting the dead is good business.
In the quiet south one can find the Former Monastery, which was a secluded place where monks of Bling Bling assembled to gain knowledge about how to get rich. The monastery prospered for a while and was renowned for its great wealth. Then one of the monks discovered you could get very rich by taking the gold for yourself and disappear. When he taught this great revelation to others, more monks and gold disappeared, until the monastery was left desolate.
In the center of the forest is a beautiful mansion, Sol's Home, which was built in assignment by the the Deathless Queen to invite her wayward children of Sandalak home. Unfortunately the invitation missed its effect. This may be due to it being haunted.
August 18, 2024 by Dirk
This region might also have a page on the wiki