Lissambar stands in the middle of the great forest of Sirion, near the northern coast of the continent.
Humans and elves live here together respecting the old forest; the trees stood tall when the first settlers arrived, and they remain stoic to this day.
The woods occupy most of the region, but not all of it. A large plain bordering Sir Temple is home to many farms and small villages, where the rich soil is used to grow most of the food produced in the region, enough to export, helping to feed the neighboring city of Slimbar
Still, the majority of the population bases its economy around the immense forest that has grown in Lissambar since time past. Foresters, lodgers, woodworkers and artisans work in unison to ensure the trees are tended, harvested and used in a large array of fine products, available throughout the nation.
Red oak and cedar trees are turned into fine furniture; pine is used in the construction of houses and structures, while ash is used to build wooden weapons and tools. Only the hearts of the largest white ash trees are transformed, with expert craftsmanship, into the bows of the Elven Harlequins, the local elven soldiers, trained in the use of sword and bow, who excel in the defense of their land from unnatural threats.
September 23, 2019 by Anatoly
This region might also have a page on the wiki