Kazakh, a city of twin towers stand tall on the Omsk Peninsula. On both towers large trumpets, to welcome foreign dignitaries visiting and add to local celebrations, are found.
The city prospers on trade and manufacturing. On the Market Square the loud sounds of traders plying their wares can be heard from dawn until dusk. Agricultural produce of the plains further south is sold and loaded onto ships bound for the lands on the northwestern coast and even faraway shores. The marked square is also filled with locally produced tools, weapons, furniture and ornamental goods of excellent quality.
Many smiths come from all over Omsk Peninsula to hone their skills at the city, and the lands around Kazakh, although the may look barren, provide a whole range minerals and raw materials vital for the manufactureres and weaponsmiths in the city.
At the entrances and in the archways of the city, some of the best guardsmen can be found protecting the passages. Their keen and watchful eyes help keep the city safe from bandits and the pests that appear outside the city wall every now and then.
From the guard corps, strong and healthy young men are roped in and trained for service as professional soldiers. Soldiers of Kazakh are known for their excellent equipment, skill and bravery. Plaques have been constructed at Hall of Heroes describing their valor deeds to inspire the future generations.
November 9, 2020 by Hallvar
Duchess of the Omsk Peninsula, Margravine of Kazakh and Arithagon of Nivemus.
A brilliant human to which the city of Kazakh owes it's greatness and Nivemus will forever be thankful.
Under her lasting and loyal leadership, the peasants in Nivemus never went hungry, government coffers were filled and excellent infrastructure was built.
Blessed are the realms that are served by persons of her abilities and stature.
Eternal Kronogos of Nivemus,
known far and wide for his skill, persistence, wealth and generosity
erected by Duke Hallvar Schancke of Nivemus
Portrayed in a thoughtful pose, this golden statue is dedicated to Arbiter Sir Ryndhal Nabarl after they moved the capital of Greater Eponllyn from Westmoor to Kazakh.
erected by Art Studio of Kazakh
Duke Schancke has and always will be an honored noble in Kazakh and Eponllyn. May his name forever be blessed and revered. May his time to himself be long and prosperous. May his service to the Crown never be forgotten.
erected by Duke Christopher Stewart of The Free Cities of Eponllyn
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