A townsland region on the East Coast, Tokat is bordered by An Najaf on her east, Aureus on her west, and Sordidus on her north. Tokat is a former and current region of Caligus. Tokat is a premier tourism spot.
Tokat is famous for it's nightlife, where the party-goers from the neighboring realms and regions arrive every last day of the month, and continues to the fifth. All sorts of parties take place there, in the town, or in one of the luxurious villas that dot the hills just beside the town, or at the beautiful beach.
And Tokat has the best equestrianism facilities in Caligus. Everyone has his own ride, well, at least the locals do. The famed Colosseum of Tokat seats 8,000 and when there is a horse race, locals and tourists eagerly fill up the entire place.
Tokat is the newest region in the Monarchy of Caligus.
In times long past, Tokat used to belong to Fontan. Fontan won it over, but when they sued for peace, they returned it to Caligus. Then Light of Fountain asked Caligus for it, to cement peace between their realms, and Caligus gave it to them. Recently, Light of Fountain attacked and was defeated by Fontan, and Fontan took over Tokat, and was ruled by Lorrie Furion. When Caligus came back for Tokat, Lorrie Furion was wounded. Taking advantage of some old documents from past ownership by Caligus (and some clever recertifying), Sven Lious bribed the local nobility to support the dubious claim, and Tokat became Caligan once again.
July 11, 2008 by Sven
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