Domus is a small city located at the southern foothills of the Akesh Mountains. Travelers arriving at the city must approach one of the five Great Gates which offer the only means of passage through the mighty walls that guard it. Built by craft now lost to the ages, the great walls make the small city the equal of the mightiest fortress.
Despite this, the city has often changed hands, and Domus has served as the capital of several realms thanks to its strategic location at a place where high hills, dark forests and open plains meet.
Once through the Great Gates travelers find themselves in a cramped and bustling city. With the walls limiting room, Domus has a long tradition of buildings three or four storeys high with rooftops nearly touching those of their neighbors.
As a consequence, many streets stay in shadow all day long with only the occasional sliver to be seen between the rooftops crowding together above. What manufactory there is in the city is forced to compete for space with the city's inhabitants and taverns, and much of it is crowded into workshops on the upper floors of tenement buildings.
Domus only opens up in a few locations, and foremost amongst these are the tournament ground, and the Great Market, where traders from north, south, east and west gather to buy and sell all manner of wares (or to meet for drinks in the Sedated Stallion) in a constant hustle and bustle.
Another famous landmark is the High University of Domus. The small but gradually expanding university is split across multiple colleges scattered throughout the city where masters of various arcane topics live with their handpicked students. In addition, the High University benefits from the beautiful Sussexian Library and its collection of manuscripts.
March 2, 2022 by Matthew
A Golden Statue of Shield King Alparslan Kalkandelen to commemorate the victory of Taselak over War Island VI on April 6, 2017 by Shield King Alparslan Kalkandelen, Sword of Justice Zlatan Mersault, War Hammer Wulfric Rhicling ka Habb, and Harp of Abundance Ardisio Sarracenia.
A silver statue depicting Basileus Anax Rowan MacGregor of Caligus in a commanding pose. Given as a gift after the construction of a new palace.
erected by Art Studio of Domus
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