Castle Ubent is the mighty Citadel located on the southern flanks of the Eldoret Range. For many years this heavily fortified castle's massive walls kept the owners of its surrounding lands safe.
In geographical matters, the central focus of the region is the large fortress with the citadel inside built against the massive cliffs. The nearly impassable mountains restrict approaches to the castle allowing only brave or foolish to pass through. Any attackers must approach from the southwest, along the farming plains.
The large population of the region is split among mining and farming, with a small amount of hunting in the foothills of the mountains. While not an economically strong region, the population is self-sufficient, and even manages to export some food in all but the worst of droughts.
The smithies of the Castle are known for their expert metal working skills and several recruiting centers train some of the best troops on the continent equipped with the highest quality of weapons and armour.
March 23, 2016 by Meivmayr D.
Portrayed in a commanding pose, this golden statue is dedicated to King Gaheris Camlann after they moved the capital of The Noble Constitutional Monarchy of Perleone from Ibladesh to Castle Ubent.
erected by Art Studio of Castle Ubent
This region might also have a page on the wiki