Akesh Temple is a breathtakingly beautiful region of mountains, lakes, swift rivers and small fertile valleys, situated in the Akesh Mountains on the East Island. The Akesh Stronghold is a series of fortifications that guard every mountain pass into the area.
The region takes its name from the temple of the of Akesh, built by the Church of Holy Scared Grove, its now worship to multiply gods by its ruling realms. Used for pilgrimages an festivals from the neighboring cultures that touch its borders. Caligus, Perdan, and rouges all border Akesh Temple making it a unique mountain of experience for they all influence the region.
The people here live in studded shrines and temples, most ruined, but some still in use. They practice their stonework in the ruins gaining experience and selling their skill and work at the largeest temple at base of the mountain. The greatest temple is that of the elvish Church of the Holy Sacred Grove very few still follow this faith. As such so it doesn't go to ruin they allow others to use it for a marketplace, gathering, pilgrimages and other uses to keep it in use. In addition a militia has also been posted at the base of the temple to keep the peace just in case.
February 6, 2021 by Jafaria
Portrayed in a defiant pose, this golden statue is dedicated to Patriarch Eisenritter Felsenbach after they moved the capital of Kingdom of Caligus from Domus to Akesh Temple.
erected by Art Studio of Akesh Temple
This region might also have a page on the wiki